Saturday, 4 May 2013

007 :: Return with a vengeance

I have had zero effort this week, barely even in the mood to make a blog entry right now, but I need to. I need to keep blogging for my own personal records. 

Boobie Monster, which I thought was going away, has not. I should have known, I knew it didnt fully drain, it's "that" kind of lesion that, well, wants to take its sweet time, inflict as much agony as it can. 

I noticed it about 36-48 hours ago, it looked like this:

It hurt, it was worse than before, It hurt to wear a bra, it hurt NOT to wear a bra, the only way I could ease the pain was to sit there, with my hand cupping my breast, keeping pressure off it. It was very hot to touch and extremely tender, with the inflammation/cellulitis covering JUST the lesion itself.

I took a couple of panadeine fortes and went to sleep it off. I woke up several times throughout the night, which is uncommon when I take panadeine forte, normally it knocks me out cold. I didn't wake up because I wanted to though, I woke up because during my sleep I kept rolling over onto my stomach causing excruciating pain to wake me up.

Eventually when I did get out of bed, it felt different. I found that during my sleep it had decided to drain a little, end result:

Not the greatest photos, but the freaking lesion drained whilst I was sleeping. I don't think it's over yet though, I think this lesion is going to take me for atleast another ride. It's been what, 3 weeks so far? ugh.

After all of that, THIS is what it looks like now:

EXACTLY like I said to the psychologist lady. I told her about this lesion when it started about 2-3 weeks ago. I told her that have a feeling this lesion is going to be one of "those" lesions that turns into a massive hole missing from the skin, and scars as such. 

The cellulitis has come back, so not sure what to do about that, it seems the first round of anti biotics did not do a great deal. 

I'm at my wits end with HS. I don't know what to do. I was going to go to hospital on Monday, if it was still like the first photo, but now I'm not sure seeing as it's decided to pop AGAIN, for the SECOND freaking time. Is it time to go to hospital? or should I just leave it be. 

What I do know for sure, is I'm going to grab all of these photos and edit them with the date they were taken, etc. I'm going to keep a physical "photo album". Something I can keep in a handbag or something, that way the next time somebody in an appointment - be it a doctor, employment provider, centrelink, etc asks me about HS, I can just whack it out and show them. None of them seem to understand, nor really care. Their skin compared to mine is perfect.

That really angers me. When people bitch and moan about having a pimple. Oh, so you have a pimple? BIG FREAKING DEAL, I have HS. I would MUCH rather have pimples than HS. Infact as I say to everyone who knows about my HS, I'd much rather have freaking aids.

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