Thursday, 18 April 2013

003 :: Insult to injury

As if it wasn't alredy bad enough having that insane bastard of a lesion on my breast, now I've got these two little buggers on my left underarm. They may be tiny, about the size of a 5 cent coin, but they are driving me crazy.

I saw a doctor, not my doctor from childhood, but the "first available" who just so happens to be the normal back up doctor I see. It's just easier to see him within 5-10 minutes of being at the doctors office, as opposed to waiting up to 3 hours to see my childhood doctor. It's at the same clinic atleast.

He gave me a prescription for Cilex (cephalexin) 3 times daily, and Panadeine Forte. 

Now I normally have trouble taking anti biotics, especially 3 times a day. I'm forgetful. I don't always remember when I'm supposed to take them, or if I haven't taken them. It just slips my mind. I'm doing okayish so far, I think I've only forgotten 2 doses at most. But I'm trying!

The Panadeine forte on the other hand, is doing barely anything. I'm still sore. All it does is make me sleepy, and if I do manage to sleep from taking the panadeine forte, I'm out cold. There is nothing that will wake me up. So perhaps in a way that helps with the pain, BUT... Am I meant to sleep for 24 hours a day, just to avoid the pain? Is that really helping?

He also gave me a doctor, referring me to wherever I choose to go (Yeah, he doesn't put in a doctors name, or whatever when referring - I don't think thats a good thing?) but it was for hospital. So after looking back now on the photo I uploaded a few days ago of my boobie issue, perhaps it is time to go to hospital. I just don't have the effort to get there. It's such a hassle, having to strap on a bra, and then go out in public, in pain, not able to cup the monster on my breast to stop it from hurting, for fear of looking like a pervert. Not to mention the fact that he's advised me to avoid my local hospital, and travel to one in a town about 15 minutes (driving) over. I don't drive! Gahhh!

The reason he told me to avoid my local hospital, is after I mentioned to him the last time I went to hospital for HS. I was 19 or 20, with a letter from a doctor advising the hospital to perform surgery and give me IV anti biotics. The doctor at the hospital then turned me away with a prescription for anti biotic tablets. 

The first thing I learnt from my visit to the doctor, is that I made a mistake in accepting the doctors treatment. I should have spoken up, made a huge fuss, and demanded that they actually read the letter I had brought with me.

The second thing I learnt, was that my local hospital is not all that great, in terms of treating patients, and the available resources. The hospital in which he advised me to go to instead, has more resources, facilities, and a dermatology clinic (I think he said that, will need to look it up). So heres hoping if I do go there, that it's bulk billing, because being on centrelink, and spending majority of my money on bills, there is no way in hell I could afford to see a dermatologist, even if I only had to pay the portion that medicare doesn't reimburse.

My first concern with going to hospital is, how? Do I just rock up at emergency? Is there somewhere else I'm meant to go? I've only ever been to hospital 3 times. The first time was when I got turned away and given the anti biotic tablets. The second time and third time was for asthma, when I was struggling to breathe. 

Intoducing the bastards under my arm!

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